“ I applied for the position and reached out to IINSPIRE LSAMP for funding during my Summer REU and my school year. It helped me in deciding which career path I wanted to take. After the research during the summer, I got multiple interviews and was offered internship positions from 2 companies. IINSPIRE LSAMP has supported and has guided me to become what I am today! I am extremely grateful for being a part of the program.”
— Kofi Oduro-Nsenkyire
Our Scholars
Summer 2023 IINSPIRE LSAMP Scholars
From left to right: Nyakueth Gatwas (DMACC), Andres Gonzalez (Iowa State), Sharon Morris (DMACC), Zakiya Jenkins (Iowa State), Heritier Diakanua (Iowa Valley Community College/Iowa State), Benjamin Ponce-Martinez (Iowa State), Joshua Allen (DMACC), James Rodgers (DMACC/Iowa State), Diego Arevalo Molina (DMACC/Iowa State), Carmen Juarez (DMACC), Jenesis Perez (Iowa State), Karina Gonzalez (DMACC), Abdella Waad (DMACC/University of Iowa), Nasra Osman (DMACC/Iowa State), Makenzie Salsberry (Iowa State), Marysofi Gutierrez (Iowa State), Laura Mejia (Iowa State)
Summer 2022 IINSPIRE LSAMP Scholars
Back left to right: Alexis Swank (DMACC/Iowa State), Kristen Aebischer (DMACC), Micaela Velk (DMACC), Alba Bon (DMACC/Iowa State), Diego Arevalo Molina (DMACC/Iowa State), Ricardo Ortega (Iowa State), Heritier Diakanua (Iowa Valley Community College/Iowa State)
Front left to right: Saeth Sanchez (Iowa State), J’Avanti Lopez (DMACC), Adriana Patino (Iowa State), Mary Celeste (DMACC)
Not pictured: Benjamin Ponce-Martinez (DMACC/ Iowa State), Melanie Machado Torres (Iowa State)
Summer 2019 IINSPIRE LSAMP Scholars
From left to right: Isabella McGuire (Iowa State), Ala Sobi (Iowa State), Asma Gesalla (Iowa State), Toni Sleugh (Iowa State), Laurice Chewouo (DMACC), Kaitlin Diggins (Iowa State), Marisol Mesa (DMACC), Angie Burke (Iowa State), Atte Kadoma (Iowa State), Touwanou Noukamne (DMACC/University of Iowa), Mariana Gonzalez (Marshalltown Community College), Adam Elmkarkech (DMACC/Grinnell), and Pedro Salazar (DMACC)
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendation expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. IINSPIRE-LSAMP is supported by NSF award numbers HRD-1102461 (2011-2016) and HRD-1619654 (2016-2021). Iowa State University does not discriminate on the basis or religion,national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or status as a U.S veteran. Inquires can be directed to the Director of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, 3210 Beardshear Hall, (515) 294-7612.